
Krutidev Alt code कृतिदेव-10 shortcut key.

KrutidevAlt Code

Krutidev Alt code for Numbers-

क्रं⋅ सं⋅ अक्षर Alt+Code
1. ƒ Alt+0131
2. Alt+0132
3. Alt+0133
4. Alt+0134
5. Alt+0135
6. ˆ Alt+0136
7. Alt+0137
8. Š Alt+0138
9. Alt+0139
10. Œ Alt+0140

Krutidev Alt code (Important)-

क्रं⋅ सं⋅ अक्षर विवरण/शब्द Alt+Code
1. ¡ p¡nz fcUnq Alt+0161
2. £ Alt+0163
3. ¥ i¥~pkax] O;¥u Alt+0165
4. ª Alt+0170
5. « vk/kk «k Alt+0171
6. vk/kk Q Alt+0182
7. ¸ vk/kk ; Alt+0184
8. ¼ dks"Bd Alt+0188
9. ½ dks"Bd can Alt+0189
10. Å cM+k Å Alt+0197
11. Ì xÌh Alt+0204
12. Í [kÍk Alt+0205
13. Î xÎj Alt+0206
14. Ù jÙkh Alt+0217
15. Ý ÝkbZ Alt+0221
16. à fpà Alt+0224
17. á ál Alt+0225
18. â ân; Alt+0226
19. ã czã Alt+0227
20. ä Hkfä Alt+0228
21. é Alt+0233
22. ó óksr Alt+0243
23. · · Alt+0183
24. Ï Ï Alt+0207
25. Ô Ô Alt+0212
26. Ö Ö Alt+0214
27. Þ ÞAlt+0222
28. Ø Øe Alt+0216

All Krutidev Alt code-

क्र⋅ सं⋅ अक्षर Alt+Code
1. ! Alt+033
2. " Alt+034
3. # Alt+035
4. $ Alt+036
5. % Alt+037
6. & Alt+038
7. ' Alt+039
8. ( Alt+040
9.  Alt+041
10. * Alt+042
11. + Alt+043
12. , Alt+044
13. - Alt+045
14. . Alt+046
15. / Alt+047
16. 0 Alt+048
17. 1 Alt+049
18. 2 Alt+050
19. 3 Alt+051
20. 4 Alt+052
21. 5 Alt+053
22. 6 Alt+054
23. 7 Alt+055
24. 8 Alt+056
25. 9 Alt+057
26. : Alt+058
27. ; Alt+059
28. < Alt+060
29. < Alt+060
30. = Alt+061
31. > Alt+062
32 ? Alt+063
33. @ Alt+064
34. A Alt+065
35. B Alt+066
36. C Alt+067
37. D Alt+068
38. E Alt+069
39. F Alt+070
40. G Alt+071
41. H Alt+072
42. I Alt+073
43. J Alt+074
44. K Alt+075
45. L Alt+076
46. M Alt+077
47. N Alt+078
48. O Alt+079
49. P Alt+080
50. Q Alt+081
51. R Alt+082
52. S Alt+083
53. T Alt+084
54. U Alt+085
55. V Alt+086
56. W Alt+087
57. X Alt+088
58. Y Alt+089
59. Z Alt+090
60. [ Alt+091
61. \ Alt+092
62. ] Alt+093
63. ^ Alt+094
64. _ Alt+095
65. ` Alt+096
66. a Alt+097
67. b Alt+098
68. c Alt+099
69. d Alt+0100
70. e Alt+0101
71. f Alt+0102
72. g Alt+0103
73. h Alt+0104
74. i Alt+0105
75. j Alt+0106
76. k Alt+0107
77. l Alt+0108
78. m Alt+0109
79. n Alt+0110
81. o Alt+0111
82. p Alt+0112
83. q Alt+0113
84. r Alt+0114
85. s Alt+0115
86. t Alt+0116
87. u Alt+0117
88. v Alt+0118
89. w Alt+0119
90. x Alt+0120
91. y Alt+0121
92. z Alt+0122
93. { Alt+0123
94. | Alt+0124
95. } Alt+0125
96. ~ Alt+0126
97. Alt+0130
98. ƒ Alt+0131
99. Alt+0132
100. Alt+0133
101. Alt+0134
102. Alt+0135
103. ˆ Alt+0136
104. Alt+0137
105. Š Alt+0138
106. Alt+0139
107. Œ Alt+0140
108. Alt+0145
109. Alt+0146
110. Alt+0147
111. Alt+0148
112. Alt+0150
113. Alt+0151
114. ˜ Alt+0152
115. Alt+0153
116. Alt+0155
117. Ÿ Alt+0159
118.   Alt+0160
119. ¡ Alt+0161
120. ¢ Alt+0162
121. £ Alt+0163
122. ¤ Alt+0164
123. ¥ Alt+0165
124. § Alt+0167
125. ¨ Alt+0168
126. © Alt+0169
127. ª Alt+0170
128. ª Alt+0170
129. « Alt+0171
130. ± Alt+0177
131. ³ Alt+0179
132. ´ Alt+0180
133. Alt+0182
134. · Alt+0183
135. Þ Alt+0222
136. ß Alt+0223
137. à Alt+0224
138. á Alt+0225
139. â Alt+0226
140. ã Alt+0227
141. ä Alt+0228
142. å Alt+0229
143. æ Alt+0230
144. ç Alt+0231
145. è Alt+0232
146. é Alt+0233
147. ê Alt+0234
148. ë Alt+0235
149. ì Alt+0236
150. í Alt+0237
151. î Alt+0238
152. ï Alt+0239
153. ð Alt+0240
154. ñ Alt+0241
155. ò Alt+0242
156. ò Alt+0243
157. ô Alt+0244
158. õ Alt+0245
159. ö Alt+0246
160. ÷ Alt+0247
161. ø Alt+0248
162. ù Alt+0249
"Kruti Dev: A Comprehensive Guide to the Popular Indian Font"

I. Introduction-

Kruti Dev is a widely used font for typing in Devanagari script, which is the script used for writing in Hindi, Marathi, and Nepali languages. The font has become a household name in India and is widely used for official, personal, and commercial purposes. Kruti Dev is known for its simplicity, versatility, and legibility, making it one of the most popular fonts in India.

II. The History of Devanagari Script-

The Devanagari script has a rich history, and its evolution can be traced back to the 8th century AD. The script was used to write Sanskrit and other classical Indian languages and has undergone several modifications over the centuries. With the advent of technology, the need for a font that could represent the script accurately and make typing in Devanagari easier arose.

III. The Birth of Kruti Dev Font-

Kruti Dev was developed in the 1990s as a response to the changing times and the growing need for a font that could keep up with the fast pace of modern life. The font was designed to match the complexities of the Devanagari script and make typing in the script a lot easier. Kruti Dev was designed to be highly legible, even at small font sizes, making it an excellent choice for use in small print.

IV. Features of Kruti Dev-

  • Legibility: Kruti Dev is highly legible, even at small font sizes, making it an excellent choice for use in small print, such as in newspapers, magazines, and books.
  • Customizability: The font is highly customizable, which means that users can modify it to meet their specific needs.
  • Compatibility: Kruti Dev is fully compatible with Unicode, which is the standard character encoding system used for the representation of text in digital media. This means that the font can be used on a wide range of platforms and operating systems.

V. Conclusion-

Kruti Dev font is a testament to the evolution of the Devanagari script and the growing need for a font that could keep up with the changing times. Its simplicity, versatility, and legibility make it an excellent choice for use in a wide range of applications. Whether you are typing in Hindi, Marathi, or Nepali, Kruti Dev font is the perfect choice for all your typing needs. The font's history and evolution are a testament to the changing times and the need for a font that could keep up with the fast pace of modern life.

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